Sports Injuries and Chiropractic Care Champlin MN

Champlin MN Chiropractic Care For Sports Related Injuries  Chiropractic care has received much attention in regards to its successful management of sporting injuries. Since the majority of sports injuries are soft tissue in nature and because many of injuries arise...

Chiropractic Care And Whiplash Recovery

Whiplash And Neck Pain | Chiropractic Care And Whiplash There you are, driving your vehicle– then CRUNCH!  With the startling event of being rear-ended you make a quick personal assessment, you seem fine… or are you? Although you may feel fine, you may have received a...

Whiplash Helped With Chiropractic

Whiplash Helped With Chiropractic Treatments An article published in the Journal of Orthopedic Medicine in 1999 pointed out the superiority of chiropractic care for patients suffering from long term whiplash. The authors of the article noted that a previous study had...

Get Your Injuries Treated After A Car Accident

Whiplash Injuries Helped With Chiropractic Treatments You’re waiting at a stoplight. The sound of screeching tires is followed by the harsh sound of metal hitting metal. Your car is suddenly being pushed forward!  WHAM!  You have just been rear-ended! In a split...

Is Chiropractic Manipulation Safe?

Chiropractic Treatments – The Question Of Safety The argument about safety concerns is an example of “junk science” and a perennial favorite by those who have an interest in discouraging people from seeking chiropractic care. Because of the popularity of this...

Sports Injuries – Champlin, Minnesota Chiropractic Care

Minnesota Chiropractor For Sports Injuries Pain killing drugs are not always the answer. They merely cover up the symptoms allowing the athlete to perform making the injury more serious. And there is also the drug testing criteria for sports as well.  Probably more...