Sports Injury Pain Relief

Sports Injury Rehabilitation Champlin, MN

An athlete competing at maximum health has the greatest ability to perform at their best. Athletes put physical demands on their body’s daily – jumping, running, falling and tackling can take a toll on one’s body, even at the peak of heath. Though being fit offers many positives for any age, these demands may sometimes present themselves as sprains, strains, chronic injuries and negatively affect performance. Many world class and Olympic athletes, as well as professional stars and teams, have retained sports chiropractors to provide care, not just for recovery but also as preventative care. Achieve Health, located in Champlin, MN can help you stay at the top of your game with regular chiropractic adjustments and quicken your recovery if injury has occurred.

Chiropractic Care to Prevent Sports Injuries

Every athlete knows the importance of stretching before a practice or a game. Stretching lessens the chances of injury by warming up the muscles, allowing them to be more flexible and likely to handle the stress placed on them when being worked vigorously. Just the same, chiropractic care helps improve flexibility, which is very valuable when actively performing in sports, at any age. Not only can chiropractic care optimize performance on the field, if an injury were to happen, regular chiropractic care also speeds up the time it takes to recover. In short, chiropractic care can help you get more field time, which is what every kid, parent, rookie or pro wants in the end.

Chiropractic Treatment After Sports Injuries

To be active, is to be healthy. Every aspect of yourself improves when you get off the couch…from mood to weight, energy to life expectancy. But what if the very thing helping you live a happier and healthier life has you on the bench? You get back up! Chiropractic care can help you get up and stay up by working with your body’s natural healing process and correcting the injuries you’ve sustained. Our non-invasive and proven alternative rehabilitation method can offer you the same, if not better results, without the risky surgery, long recovery time and with less complications. Healthcare is evolving, take a step in the direction that is right for you.

Sports Rehabilitation Chiropractor

Our sports chiropractor can enhance an athlete’s recovery from injury and prevent future injury. In the competitive sports world, athletes realize that if spinal or extremity problems exist, their performance will be compromised. Our goal for each of our patient is to get him/her in peak performance to produce a winning result.

Sports Injury Pain Relief

Pain killing drugs are not always the answer. They merely cover up the symptoms, allowing the athlete to perform, while making the injury more serious. Probably more than any other health profession, a Chiropractor’s approach to health closely relates to the needs of the sports participant; as we treat the cause, not the symptoms.

Professional, amateur and weekend athletes seek out Sports Chiropractors for many reasons, what’s yours? Contact us today to address it at or by calling us at 763-323-3456.